Supersonic flows of an inviscid compressible gas in aerodynamic windows of gas lasers


  • K.N. Volkov D.F. Ustinov Baltic State Technical University «Voenmekh»
  • V.N. Emelyanov D.F. Ustinov Baltic State Technical University «Voenmekh»
  • A.V. Pustovalov D.F. Ustinov Baltic State Technical University «Voenmekh»


aerodynamic window, supersonic flow, nozzle, jet, numerical simulation, finite volume method, marching method, Riemann problem


Development of mathematical modeling tools designed for calculations of supersonic flows in aerodynamic windows of gas lasers is considered. Numerical simulation of steady-state supersonic flows of an ideal compressible gas in curvilinear channels and nozzles with various pressure differences is performed on the basis of a finite volume method and a marching scheme. Flow patterns in supersonic jets observed with the uniform velocity distribution and a free vortex velocity distribution on the nozzle outlet section are compared. Channel designing tools are developed based on the solutions of a sequence of direct problems. The numerical results show a high efficiency of the software developed for problems related to the channel profiling and to the control of steady-state supersonic jet flows.

Author Biographies

K.N. Volkov

V.N. Emelyanov

A.V. Pustovalov


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How to Cite

Волков К., Емельянов В., Пустовалов А. Supersonic Flows of an Inviscid Compressible Gas in Aerodynamic Windows of Gas Lasers // Numerical Methods and Programming (Vychislitel’nye Metody i Programmirovanie). 2014. 15. 712-725



Section 1. Numerical methods and applications