Regularized inversion of full tensor magnetic gradient data




magnetostatics, full tensor magnetic gradient data, inverse problems, ill-posed problems, regularization method


Features of numerical solution of the three-dimensional ill-posed problem devoted to the inversion of full tensor magnetic gradient data are considered. This problem is simulated by a system of two three-dimensional Fredholm integral equations of the first kind. The Tikhonov regularization is applied to solve this ill-posed problem. The conjugate gradient method is used as a minimization method. The choice of the regularization parameter is realized according to the generalized residual principle with consideration of round-off errors capable of affecting the final result of calculations significantly.

Author Biographies

Y. Wang

Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Beitucheng Western Road, 19, 100029, Beijing, China
• Professor

D.V. Lukyanenko

A.G. Yagola


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How to Cite

Ван Я., Лукьяненко Д., Ягола А. Regularized Inversion of Full Tensor Magnetic Gradient Data // Numerical Methods and Programming (Vychislitel’nye Metody i Programmirovanie). 2016. 17. 13-20. doi 10.26089/NumMet.v17r103



Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

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