Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The file with the submitted article is presented in PDF format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
- The text of the article is accompanied by a zip archive with source codes (sources in .tex, images in .eps).
- The text of the article is accompanied by a scan of the expertise from the author's organization (example text).
- The text of the article is accompanied by a cover letter.
Author Guidelines
The journal accepts for consideration articles corresponding to the themes of the journal within the framework of the following scientific specialties:
- Methods and algorithms of computational mathematics and their applications for solving scientific and technical problems.
The publication should contain new results obtained in the field of methods and algorithms for solving problems of computational mathematics, mathematical modeling and computational experiments, test problems and research to determine the applicability of algorithms, parallel software implementation of problems of computational mathematics. Reviews of methods and software are published, containing recommendations for their application.
- Parallel software and technologies for solving problems of computational mathematics and its scientific and technical applications.
Articles related to numerical software targeted at supercomputers and parallel architecture computing systems.
Researches in the field of theory and technology of designing programs of computational mathematics and its scientific and technical applications, as well as their integration into software systems (development of taxonomy and classifications of problems and methods, disciplines and programming techniques, technological processes for compiling numerical programs for computers with parallel architecture, methods for conducting computational experiments, etc.).
The results of research on the development of tools for automating the design, operation and maintenance of numerical programs and software systems for computers of various architectures (development of problem-oriented languages, means of remote access and organization of interactive modes, data visualization, conversions of numerical programs and display of computational algorithms on computer architecture, means of verification and macro-generation of programs, macro-extensions of algorithmic languages, preprocessors and macro-processors, etc.) are accepted for publication.
In cooperation with authors, the editorial board follows the fundamental rules of publication ethics in accordance with the COPE Code (Committee on Publication Ethics).
The journal welcomes the publication of articles containing discussion with previously published materials in the journal.
The journal considers articles containing both positive and negative results for publication.
Publication forms
The editorial board of the journal accepts for consideration the author's materials, drawn up in the form of a review or an original article.
Reviews can cover any modern achievements related to the subject of the journal. Reviews should be written in such a way as to assist the reader in assessing emerging prospects and opportunities, as well as in finding publications containing key information about new developments. In the introductory part of the review, it is desirable to provide an explanation of the main tasks, concepts and terms. The reader of the review article should understand the need for an in-depth study of the problem using the bibliographic references provided for the article, so the review should not look like a listing of innovations and references to sources.
Original articles must correspond to the subject of the journal. The novelty and scientific significance of the work are checked by reviewers and the editor-in-chief. The information in the original article must be complete, allowing a specialist in this field to reproduce the results obtained by the authors. It is not recommended to present generally known information in the original articles. When submitting manuscripts, the authors are fully responsible for the fact that the presented research results are performed personally, comply with the norms of scientific ethics and are carried out on an open topic.
Volumes of published materials
Review articles can be up to 30 pages per issue. The publication of reviews in several issues takes place in agreement with the editor-in-chief. Authors of original articles are recommended to be from 5 up to 15 pages long.
Article title
Authors should give the article the most specific and informative title, if possible, not exceeding 20 words.
Review and original articles should be accompanied by annotations giving an idea of the essence and novelty of the published results. The abstract should be understandable before reading the article and should not contain links to any publications. The volume of the annotation should not exceed 10-15 lines. It is not recommended to break annotations into paragraphs.
UDC codes
The authors of the article indicate the UDC (for articles in Russian), which the publication corresponds to.
Authors should indicate the set of keywords that best characterize the published research results. Keywords are used to automatically search for an article, for example in an electronic library. We recommend that authors choose no more than 10 keywords or phrases for their article.
Structure of Articles
Depending on the volume, the main text of the article can be structured into sections and paragraphs, like this article, or only into paragraphs. It is not recommended to give titles to sections and paragraphs that span more than two lines. A section should not consist of one paragraph.
Paragraphs can be two or more paragraphs. It is recommended for better perception to break the text into paragraphs no more than 10-15 lines in size.
In the last paragraph before the list of references, the authors have the right to express gratitude to those who provided substantial assistance in the work, or to indicate sponsorship and grants.
The list of references is an integral part of the article and is drawn up directly in the text of the article with the indication doi, if the publication is assigned a digital identifier. The list of references is formed in the order of reference to the sources in the text of the article.
A mandatory requirement is a complete translation of the bibliography into English for indexing an article in foreign databases.
The use of separate files with the bib, bbl and others extensions is not allowed.
English translation
Authors of articles published in the journal in Russian must provide translated into English:
- surname, name, patronymic, academic degree, academic title of each author;
- the name, postal addresses of the organizations that are the main places of work of the authors, and their positions in these organizations;
- article title;
- annotation text;
- keywords;
- captions to figures, tables, listings of programs and algorithms, as well as all text information contained in figures in tables, etc.
Russian translation
Authors of articles published in the journal in English must provide translated into Russian:
- surname, name, patronymic, academic degree, academic title of each author;
- the name, postal addresses of the organizations that are the main places of work of the authors, and their positions in these organizations;
- article title;
- annotation text;
- keywords;
- acknowledgments.
If the translation into Russian of this information by the author is difficult, the editors should be notified of that situation so that this work can be done by them.
⚠️ We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the requirements for the design of articles through set out in the archive, which contains guidelines for the design of articles in the form of a tex-file (as a sample of the design of an article for the journal) and the style sty-file of the journal (last edition from Apr. 22, 2024). It is recommended to always download the current version of our sample to prepare your article for publication in the journal (even if you have previously published based on it in the past), as the rules and styles may be supplemented.
For users of theonline tex editor, the link to the sample file with Guidelines is and with sample article is
Preparation of the article
The editors accept articles from authors prepared in the LaTeX publishing system.
Authors of articles can use additional style files, for example algorithmx for a set of algorithms, etc. Additional style files must be explicitly included in the document preamble. Using your own styles is not recommended.
Articles prepared using Microsoft Word or other editors are accepted only in exceptional cases by the decision of the editors and will be published with a delay due to the translation of the original text into the LaTeX publishing system and additional editorial revisions.
Typing requirements
The editors recommend following the typing rules set out in the Russian-language literature on the LaTeX system.
We draw the attention of the authors to the following typing rules.
There should always be a space between the initials and the surname (A.A.Ivanov). In the title of the article, spaces are also placed between the initials: A. A. Ivanov.
The integer part of the number should be separated from the fractional part in the same way in the text of the article: either a comma or a period. On graphs and diagrams formed as a result of the work of programs, and in program listings, the integer part of the number from the fractional part can be separated by a dot.
The quotation marks should be in the form of "legs"; the use of "herringbones" is not allowed.
Dates must be typed in the format
The period is not put after the section headings, table titles and figure captions, after a number of abbreviated names: s - second, g - gram, min - minute, d - day, mil - million, bil - billion, etc.
The period is placed at the end of the last sentence of the annotation, after the abbreviations: mon. - month, etc.
Multi-word abbreviations are separated by spaces, for example 760 mmHg. Art., with the exception of commonly used ones (i.e.).
References to figures and tables are separated by non-breaking spaces from the number (correct: Fig. 1, Table 2, incorrect: Fig.1, Tab.2).
Quotes and brackets are not separated by spaces from the words enclosed in them: (for Umax), (a); and not ( at Umax ), ( a ).
A non-breaking space is placed between the number or paragraph sign and the number: No. § 5.65.
Requirements for a set of formulas, theorems, etc.
Needs to be typed in straight type: a) all numbers are typed in straight type in formulas; b) all Roman script chars, including indices (for example, Emin); c) abbreviations of mathematical functions: sin, cos, lim, max.
For typing excluded formulas, it is recommended to use the equation environment with automatic continuous numbering. To suppress numbering, use the equation * environment.
The style file provides for the placement of summation indices, integration limits, etc. strictly above or below mathematical symbols (see PDF sample on page 7) .
Formulas that span one or more lines (so-called exclusion formulas) and are part of a sentence must obey the rules of punctuation (see PDF sample on page 7) .
The words "Theorem", "Collorary", "Lemma", "Asserrtion", "Proposition" are placed in the text of the article explicitly and are highlighted in bold, and the corresponding formulations are in italics.
The words "Proof", "Definition", "Remark" are in roman italic style, and the corresponding wording is in roman type.
It is recommended to carry out continuous numbering with Arabic numerals for theorems, definitions, etc.
Requirements for a set of program listings
It is allowed to reproduce small in volume (no more than 1 page is recommended) fragments of programs illustrating important algorithms, programming language tools, etc.
Text messages and comments in listings must be in English.
Examples of designing listings of programs and algorithms are given in Appendix 1 in PDF-sample (p. 11).
Requirements for illustrations
- The editors make minimal edits to the illustrations. In case of insufficient quality illustrations, the article is sent to the authors for revision.
- The following dimensions of illustrations are recommended: a) no more than 165 mm wide and no more than 210 mm high (in the width of a text column); b) no more than 80 mm wide and no more than 140 mm high (half the column width); c) 145 mm high and 240 mm wide (illustration expanded 90° on the whole page).
- Three types of illustrations are accepted: line drawings (graphs, diagrams, graphs, etc.), screenshots of the computer screen (for example, color visualization of the field obtained as a result of mathematical modeling) and photographs.
- Line drawings is accepted in the form of PNG (raster) files with a resolution of 600 DPI at a 1:1 scale of the figure or in EPS format (vector images). The thickness of the thinnest line in the picture should not be less than 5px. It is recommended to use black for the main lines. Elements of the picture that are important for understanding should be highlighted in two or three colors, which are contrastingly reproduced in black and white printing. Recommended background color is white.
- Photos are accepted in formats JPEG, PNG, TIFF with a resolution of 300 DPI. The image in the photo should be sharp, contrasting. Digital image processing should not raise doubts about the authenticity of the photograph.
- The series of illustrations is intended for comparing graphs, assessing the influence of parameters, explaining trends, dynamics, etc. Illustrations included in the series must be of the same size and resolution. Each illustration in the series must be designated with a letter of the English alphabet. Examples of illustrations design are given in Appendix 2 in PDF-sample (p. 14).
- The editors draw your attention to the fact that the preliminary layout made by the authors often leads to a deterioration in the quality of the pictures, for example, due to the incorrectly set resolution when converting a picture to EPS format. The editors ask to provide, along with EPS files, the original “raw” files in the formats TIFF, PNG, JPEG without processing. If the picture is a screenshot from the computer screen, then it must be taken at the maximum window size and no longer scaled. Authors can make a copy of the figure in the format and sizes they need and insert it into the text of the article.
Requirements for the design of tables
The editors recommend formatting tabular data using the LaTeX publishing system (see Appendix 3 in PDF-sample). Text in table cells must be in English. Highlighting table cells with color unnecessarily is not encouraged.
The exception is tables obtained from the Internet or automated data processing systems in the form of screenshots.
Requirements for captions of figures and titles of tables and listings
- Figures, tables, formulas, program listings, etc. must have consecutive numbering for each type of structural elements of the article. Examples of registration of captions for figures, tables and listings are given in (Appendices 1-3 in PDF-sample).
- Signatures should be informative and concise. It is recommended that signatures be worded so that they do not span more than three lines.
- The caption to a series of illustrations must contain a common name for all figures in the series and a list of captions specifying each illustration (Appendix 2, Fig. 2 in PDF-sample).
Requirements for References
- The list of references is formed in the order of reference to the sources in the text of the article.
- Articles published in Internet publications must be provided with an up-to-date link.
- The preferable version of the link is to indicate the doi of the publication.
An example of the References format is given in Appendix 4 in PDF-sample (p. 17).
References to figures, formulas, tables, sources
The editors do not recommend using manually typed links in the text of the article. To reduce the likelihood of errors in links in the text of the article, it is necessary to use the commands \label, which automatically stores the values of counters for figures, tables, lists in a symbolic variable, and \ref which creates a link by the name of the variable.
Required documents
To publish an article, authors must provide:
- a cover letter from the authors (Appendix 5 in PDF-sample) in electronic form (may be in .doc or pdf formats) and its scanned version with "live" signatures;
- an electronic LaTeX-version of the article (in Russian and / or English), prepared in accordance with the requirements for the formatting of articles, as well as a pdf-file of the article and figures;
- a text file containing the following information in Russian and English: a) surname, name, patronymic, academic degree, academic title, ORCID and e-mail of each of the authors; b) the names and postal addresses of organizations that are the main places of work of the authors and their positions in these organizations; c) the title of the article; d) annotation text; e) keywords.
Transfer of documents to the editorial office
The author interacts with the editors mainly through the journal's website After completing the registration form, the author (one of the authors) have to:
- download through the form all the prepared necessary documents and article components in the form of a ZIP-archive, choosing when downloading the Article Component = “ZIP-archive with source texts (.tex and required additional files)”;
- give a description of the archive, authorship, etc. (it is recommended to do it at the stage of checking the details of the sent file);
- confirm sending the archive;
- enter article metadata (title, abstract and keywords required) and information about the author and all co-authors (all information must be entered in Russian and / or in English);
- confirm the entered data.
The author receives e-mail notifications for all significant events accompanying the process of preparing an article for publication. The author should monitor the change in the status of the article and, if necessary, respond to the editorial board's invitations to enter into a dialogue on the pages with the discussion of the material (for example, when communicating with a literary editor).
Publication decision, peer review procedure
The editors consider articles only relevant to the subject of the journal. If the article is rejected, the editorial board notifies the author of the decision and does not enter into a discussion with the author of the correspondence of his article to the subject of the journal. The author has the right to publish his work in another edition.
An article accepted by the editorial board for review after preliminary selection undergoes a single-blind peer review procedure approved by the journal.
The author receives a review of his article and a notification from the editor-in-chief about the acceptance of the article for publication, about the need for revision or rejection of the article, indicating the reasons.
Preparing an article for publication
The article accepted for publication goes through the stages of literary and technical editing. Depending on the quality of the materials presented, the author will be in more or less intensive correspondence with the editors. Authors are encouraged to respond to letters from editors within one to two days so that the publication takes place in the intended issue of the journal.
Publishing an article
Articles from the typeset issue of the magazine are posted on the website, the issue is sent to print. The author is notified of the publication.
Methods and algorithms of computational mathematics and their applications
Section 1. Methods and algorithms of computational mathematics and their applications for solving scientific and technical problems
Parallel software tools and technologies
Parallel software and technologies for solving problems of computational mathematics and its scientific and technical applications
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.