An implementation of the Chebyshev series method for the approximate analytical solution of second-order ordinary differential equations
O.B. Arushanyan
S.F. Zaletkin
ordinary differential equations of second order
canonical systems of ordinary differential equations
approximate analytical methods
numerical methods
orthogonal expansions
shifted Chebyshev series
Markov quadrature formulas
polynomial approximation
In this paper we consider a stochastic model of the galactic dynamo in which the coefficient of turbulent diffusion is considered as a random process with renewal. The numerical simulation of statistical moments as well as two-point and three-point correlators of the magnetic field showing the relation between its values at various time instants is performed. The presence of intermittency expressed in the progressive growth of moments and correlators in the case of "quiet" regions of galaxies with a small fraction of the ionized hydrogen component is shown. The numerical results are compared with the results obtained analytically earlier.
Section 1. Numerical methods and applications
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