A river routing scheme for an Earth system model


  • V.M. Stepanenko
  • A.I. Medvedev
  • I.A. Korpushenkov
  • N.L. Frolova
  • V.N. Lykosov


Earth system model
land surface scheme
river network
snow melting


A new version of the INM RAS-MSU land surface scheme is presented which includes a module for the thermo- and hydrodynamics of rivers. The river dynamics is described by the diffusion wave equations, whereas the river thermodynamics is simulated by the one-dimensional heat equation. The object-oriented implementation of the river routing scheme allows one to use arbitrary solvers of one-dimensional river dynamics problems, for example, the Saint-Venant equations. The snow cover thermodynamics is supplemented by the effects of liquid moisture percolation and freezing. The set of model updates significantly improved simulation of the annual cycle of water discharge and temperature for Severnaya Dvina river.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

V.M. Stepanenko

A.I. Medvedev

I.A. Korpushenkov

N.L. Frolova

V.N. Lykosov


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