Mechanisms of generation and noise sources of supersonic jets and the numerical simulation of their gas dynamic and aeroacoustic characteristics


  • K.N. Volkov
  • V.N. Emelyanov
  • A.I. Tsvetkov
  • P.S. Chernyshov


computational fluid dynamics
computational aeroacoustics
supersonic jet
underexpanded jet


The interest in the development of models and methods focused on the study of mechanisms of noise generation in jets is explained by tightening requirements imposed on the noise produced by various industrial devices. The models of computational fluid dynamics and aeroacoustics, the integral methods of far-field noise calculation, and the numerical implementation of the corresponding mathematical models are considered. The capabilities of the developed numerical simulation tools are demonstrated by the solution of practical problems related to the noise generation by supersonic underexpanded jets. The effect of the nozzle pressure ratio on the jet structure and the distribution of gas-dynamic and acoustic characteristics is discussed. The developed tools for the numerical solution of problems in the computational fluid dynamics and computational aeroacoustics can be considered as the tools for solving various research and engineering problems and as the basis for the development of new methods and numerical algorithms.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

K.N. Volkov

V.N. Emelyanov

A.I. Tsvetkov

P.S. Chernyshov


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