Developing a prototype of high-performance graph-processing framework for NEC SX–Aurora TSUBASA vector architecture
I.V. Afanasyev
vector architectures
graph algorithms
graph framework
graph API
finding shortest paths in a graph
breadth-first search
This article describes a prototype of graph-processing framework VGL (Vector Graph Library), aimed at the efficient implementation of graph algorithms for the modern NEC SX–Aurora TSUBASA vector architecture. Present day vector systems can significantly speed up various memory-intensive applications, including graph algorithms. However, approaches to the efficient implementation of graph algorithms for vector systems have been studied extremely poorly as of today: due to the highly irregular structure of real-world graphs, it is difficult to effectively use vector features of target platforms. This paper shows that the implementations of graph algorithms developed on the basis of the proposed VGL framework show the performance comparable to their manually optimized versions due to the encapsulation of a large number of graph algorithm optimizations typical for vector systems. At the same time, the proposed framework makes it possible to significantly simplify the process of developing graph algorithms for vector systems, by an order of magnitude reducing the amount of code for implemented algorithms and hiding the programming features of systems of this class from the user.
Parallel software tools and technologies
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