An experience of applying the parallelization regions for the step-by-step parallelization of software packages using the SAPFOR system


  • A. S. Kolganov


SAPFOR (System FOR Automated Parallelization)
automation of parallelization
parallel computing
DVM (Distributed Virtual Memory)
incremental parallelization for clusters


The main difficulty in developing a parallel program for a cluster is the need to make global decisions on the distribution of data and computations, taking into account the properties of the entire program, and then doing the hard work of modifying the program and debugging it. A large amount of code as well as multimoduling, multivariant and multilanguage, make it difficult to make decisions on a consistent distribution of data and computations. The experience of using the previous SAPFOR system showed that, when parallelizing large programs and software packages for a cluster, one should be able to parallelize them gradually, starting with the most time-intensive fragments and gradually adding new fragments until we reach the desired level of parallel program efficiency. For this purpose, the previous system was completely redesigned and a new system SAPFOR (System FOR Automated Parallelization) was created. To solve this problem, the method of incremental or partial arallelization will be considered in this paper. The idea of this method is that not the entire program is subjected to parallelization, but only its parts (parallelization regions) where additional versions of the required data are created and distributed and the corresponding computations are performed. This paper also discusses the application of automated mapping of programs to a cluster using the proposed incremental parallelization method and using the example of a NPB (NAS Parallel Benchmarks) software package.





Parallel software tools and technologies

Author Biography

A. S. Kolganov


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