Stochastic positive P-representation in problems of quantum statistics. Simulation of one-dimensional Bose-gas with delta-repulsion
E.A. Polyakov
E.A. Polyakov
A.P. Lyubartsev
quantum dynamics
stochastic differential equations
correlation functions
A method of stochastic positive P-representation for the computer simulation of thermal equilibrium and dynamical properties of many-particle quantum systems with interactions is proposed and thoroughly analyzed. The testing procedure of the method includes the evaluation of spatial correlation functions for the one-dimensional Bose-gas with delta-repulsion between particles, both in the state of thermal equilibrium and in the dynamical evolution from a given initial state. This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project number 08–02–00041) and by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
Section 1. Numerical methods and applications
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