Scaling applications with irregular memory access on Blue Gene/P and Lomonosov supercomputers using the extended SHMEM+ library


  • A.A. Korzh


NPB UA benchmark
PGAS paradigm
unstructured adaptive
OpenMP extension
Lomonosov supercomputer,
Blue Gene/P
active messages
parallel programming


An extension of SHMEM library with original synchronization schemes and active messages is considered. The new library is called SHMEM+. The basic SHMEM library and the programming style imposed by it are described. The modification details of the OpenMP NPB UA benchmark version for the SHMEM and SHMEM+ libraries implemented by the author for the Blue Gene/P and Lomonosov supercomputers are discussed.





Section 2. Programming

Author Biography

A.A. Korzh


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  3. Лацис А.О. Вычислительная система МВС-Экспресс (