Algorithms of motion in the particle-in-cell method


  • Ekaterina S. Voropaeva
  • Konstantin V. Vshivkov
  • Lyudmila V. Vshivkova
  • Galina I. Dudnikova
  • Anna A. Efimova


modification of Boris method
hybrid numerical models
particle-in-cell method
kinetic Vlasov equation
Maxwell equations
computational plasma physics


in electromagnetic fields and compares this method with various known modifications of the Boris method. The created two-dimensional and three-dimensional algorithms are based on the use of an exact solution of the differential equation for the velocity of a charged particle at a time step. A comparative analysis of the Boris method and its modifications was carried out both in terms of the accuracy of the methods and the time of their operation. A new modification of the Boris method allows more accurate calculations of the trajectory and velocity of a charged particle without a significant increase in the complexity of calculations. It is shown that, when choosing a modification of the Boris method to solve a problem, one should pay attention first of all to the accuracy of the solution, since a simpler and faster scheme may not give a gain in time.





Methods and algorithms of computational mathematics and their applications

Author Biographies

Ekaterina S. Voropaeva

Novosibirsk State University,
• Undergraduate Student

Konstantin V. Vshivkov

Lyudmila V. Vshivkova

Galina I. Dudnikova

Anna A. Efimova


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