Additional parallelization of existing MPI programs using SAPFOR
Nikita A. Kataev
Alexander S. Kolganov
automation of parallelization
additional parallelization
heterogeneous clusters
The SAPFOR and DVM systems are primarily designed to simplify the development of parallel programs of scientific-technical calculations. SAPFOR is a software development suite that aims to produce a parallel version of a sequential program in a semi-automatic way. The fully automatic parallelization is also possible if the program is well-formed and satisfies certain requirements. SAPFOR uses the DVMH directive-based programming model to expose parallelism in the code. The DVMH model introduces CDVMH and Fortran-DVMH (FDVMH) programming languages which extend the standard C and Fortran languages by parallelism specifications. We present MPI-aware extension of the SAPFOR system that exploits opportunities provided by the new features of the DVMH model to extend existing MPI programs with intra-node parallelism. In that way, our approach reduces the cost of parallel program maintainability and allows an MPI program to utilize accelerators and multicore processors. SAPFOR extension has been implemented for both Fortran and C programming languages. In this paper, we use the NAS Parallel Benchmarks to evaluate the performance of generated programs.
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