Zero-range potentials as an algorithm for solution of quantum scattering problems


  • V.V. Sokolovsky
  • Yu.V. Popov
  • A.A. Gusev
  • S.I. Vinitsky


сепарабельные потенциалы
задача рассеяния
численные методы
математическое моделирование


It is shown that zero-range potentials can successfully be used to construct a numerical algorithm for the solution of 1D scattering problems. This statement is illustrated with a number of test examples. The class of separable potentials close to the zero-range potentials is proposed, which allows one to solve 3D scattering problems and, at the same time, to keep the wave function confined.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

V.V. Sokolovsky

Yu.V. Popov

A.A. Gusev

S.I. Vinitsky


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