Monte Carlo statistical simulation with a multiprocessor computer for the process of forming a shock wave in a shock tube
S.V. Kulikov
O.N. Ternovaia
газовая смесь
нестационарный метод статистического моделирования
весовой множитель
блочная декомпозиция
ударная труба
ударная волна
волна разрежения
Monte Carlo nonstationary method of statistical simulation with weight factors was used to study the process of forming a shock wave in a shock tube. The method automatically takes into account all processes of heat-mass transfer. Parallel calculations were carried out by means of MPI-library, using domain decompositions. There were almost no restrictions on the number of processors. The positions obtained for the wave of rarefaction, the zone of shock-heated gas and the wave front as well as the values of gas parameters behind the front were in good agreement with the results based on the simple theory of shock tubes.
Section 1. Numerical methods and applications
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