On implementation of the parallel global optimization algorithm with the Intel oneAPI toolkit


  • Konstantin A. Barkalov
  • Ilya G. Lebedev
  • Yanina V. Silenko


global optimization
multiextremal functions
parallel computing
reduction of dimensionality
graphics accelerators
Intel oneAPI.


The paper considers the parallel global optimization algorithm and discusses its implementation with the Intel oneAPI toolkit. We suppose that the objective function is given as a black-box and satisfies the Lipschitz condition. The parallel algorithm presented in the paper uses the scheme of dimensionality reduction employing the Peano curve, which continuously maps an interval of the real axis onto a hypercube. The Intel oneAPI tools, that allows one to write the same code for both the central processor and the graphics accelerator, were used for implementation of the parallel global optimization algorithm. The results of numerical experiments obtained by solving a series of time-consuming multiextremal optimization problems are presented.





Parallel software tools and technologies

Author Biographies

Konstantin A. Barkalov

Ilya G. Lebedev

Yanina V. Silenko


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 How to cite   
Marchevsky Ilia K. and Serafimova Sophia R. Analytic and semi-analytic integration of logarithmic and Newtonian potentials and their gradients over line segments and rectilinear panels // Numerical Methods and Programming. 2022. 23, No 2. 137–152. doi 10.26089/NumMet.v23r209.


Marchevsky I. K. and Serafimova S. R., (2022) “Analytic and semi-analytic integration of logarithmic and Newtonian potentials and their gradients over line segments and rectilinear panels,” Numerical Methods and Programming, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 137–152.


I. K. Marchevsky and S. R. Serafimova, “Analytic and semi-analytic integration of logarithmic and Newtonian potentials and their gradients over line segments and rectilinear panels,” Numerical Methods and Programming 23, no. 2 (2022): 137–152,


Marchevsky I. K. and Serafimova S. R. Analytic and semi-analytic integration of logarithmic and Newtonian potentials and their gradients over line segments and rectilinear panels. Numerical Methods and Programming. 2022;23(2):137–152.(In Russ.). DOI:10.26089/NumMet.v23r209


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