A comparative analysis of protective arms of central Asian nomads with the method of mathematical modeling


  • S.N. Korobeinikov
  • Yu.S. Khudyakov
  • A.V. Shutov


хрупкое разрушение
тонкостенные конструкции
механика деформируемого твердого тела
динамическое деформирование
численные методы
математическое моделирование


The model of brittle fracture of thin-wall structures developed earlier by the authors is used to compare the protective arms of ancient soldiers on the basis of numerical solution of linear and nonlinear solid mechanics problems. Comparison of functional properties of protective arms is carried out by the comparison of fracture zones of the armors made of bronze or iron plates. Dynamic deformation of «armor-human body« system under the impact of an arrow released from a bow is modeled by the concentrated mass (equal to the mass of the arrow tip) with a specified initial velocity. Numerical solutions of the problems were obtained with the PIONER computer code. Some quantitative characteristics of protective properties for bronze and iron plates are presented.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

S.N. Korobeinikov

Yu.S. Khudyakov

A.V. Shutov


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