A method for refining the numerical solution to the problem of optimizing the kinematic scheme for forming panels


  • Konstantin S. Bormotin


finite element method
optimal control problem
dynamic programming method


When solving optimal control problems of the solids deformation according to the general scheme of the dynamic programming method, significant computing resources are required. To reduce the calculation time, it is proposed to refine the rough solution obtained using the dynamic programming scheme using the wandering tube method. Using the software implementation of this algorithm, numerical solutions for the optimal bending of the plate in creep mode were obtained, which were compared with analytical data.





Methods and algorithms of computational mathematics and their applications

Author Biography

Konstantin S. Bormotin


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 How to cite   
Beliovskaya L.G., Bogomolov N.A. and Kovalev A.D. Construction of isoline maps of functions of two variables // Numerical Methods and Programming. 2000. 1, No 1. 15–23.


Beliovskaya L. , Bogomolov N. and Kovalev A. , (2000) “Construction of isoline maps of functions of two variables,” Numerical Methods and Programming, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 15–23.


L. Beliovskaya, N. Bogomolov and A. Kovalev, “Construction of isoline maps of functions of two variables,” Numerical Methods and Programming 1, no. 1 (2000): 15–23


Beliovskaya L. , Bogomolov N. and Kovalev A. Construction of isoline maps of functions of two variables. Numerical Methods and Programming. 2000;1(1):15–23.(In Russ.).


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