Acceleration of parallel solution of 2D boundary value problems with two-grid preconditioning


  • Alexander N. Kozyrev
  • Vladimir D. Korneev
  • Victor M. Sveshnikov


boundary value problems
quasi-structured grids
two-grid preconditioning
solution acceleration


An algorithm for accelerating the solution of boundary value problems on quasi-structured grids is proposed and experimentally studied. The basis of the algorithm is two-grid preconditioning, which is built on a macro-grid, which is an element of a quasi-structured grid. This approach does not require the introduction of additional tools. A series of numerical experiments were carried out, the results of which show acceleration of calculations by 2.5 times without parallelization only due to preconditioning without parallelization and demonstrate super-acceleration during parallelization.





Methods and algorithms of computational mathematics and their applications

Author Biographies

Alexander N. Kozyrev

Vladimir D. Korneev

Victor M. Sveshnikov


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