Numerical modeling of three-dimensional non-stationary problems of radiation magnetohydrodynamics


  • Alexander Yu. Krukovskiy
  • Yury A. Poveshchenko
  • Viktoriia O. Podryga
  • Parvin I. Rahimly


mathematical modeling
implicit fully conservative difference scheme
numerical algorithms
computational experiment
radiation magnetohydrodynamics


This work presents a mathematical model for solving three-dimensional radiation problems of magnetohydrodynamics. An implicit fully conservative difference scheme is used to solve the system of differential equations. Two methods are used to solve the system of difference equations: the method of separate and the method of combined solution of equations, which are split by physical processes. A software implementation of the developed numerical algorithms is carried out, and calculations are performed modeling the compression of plasma by a magnetic field. The time dynamics of the parameters of matter and the magnetic field are studied. During the calculation process, at its various stages, both numerical methods used in the program are involved. The results obtained correspond to the physics of the process.





Methods and algorithms of computational mathematics and their applications

Author Biographies

Alexander Yu. Krukovskiy

Yury A. Poveshchenko

Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of RAS

• Professor, Leading Researcher

Viktoriia O. Podryga

Parvin I. Rahimly


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