To the location of observation points in the problems of hydraulic conductivity identification of a heterogeneous aquifer


  • P.A. Mazurov
  • A.N. Gabidullina
  • A.V. Elesin
  • A.Sh. Kadyrova


задача идентификации
граничные условия
коэффициенты невязок
матрица чувствительности


The influence of location of observation points on the stability of the hydraulic conductivity identification process is considered in the case of a three-dimensional heterogeneous aquifer. The dependence of identification results on such a location is studied under boundary conditions of the first and second types.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

P.A. Mazurov

A.N. Gabidullina

A.V. Elesin

A.Sh. Kadyrova


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