A robust multigrid technique for solving systems of partial differential equations
численный анализ
численные методы
итерационные алгоритмы
дифференциальные уравнения
задача Коши
краевые задачи
многосеточная технология
уравнения Навье-Стокса
A robust multigrid technique is used for solving systems of partial differential equations. The technique unites the processes of adaption of equations to numerical methods, their discretization by the control volume method, and application of multigrid iterations. The technology is efficient for solving linear and nonlinear systems on unstaggered and staggered grids. This paper shows that our multigrid decoupled solver is competitive with the coupled one. New modifications that reduce the problems into those acceptable for the multigrid technique are developed.
Section 1. Numerical methods and applications
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