A method of red-eye effect recognition in digital photography


  • A.V. Agayan
  • G.M. Agayan
  • S.Yu. Romanov


распознавание образов
цифровые фотографии
эффект красного глаза
конечнопараметрическая модель


The paper is devoted to the red-eye effect recognition on digital photos made with flash. RGB digital photos were used as input data. The recognition algorithm consists of three steps: preliminary, finite parametric filtration, and context filtration. After that the recognition correction is performed. The algorithm was tested on a wide range of different-quality photos. The best recognition was achieved on the photos with large areas of pupils.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

A.V. Agayan

G.M. Agayan

S.Yu. Romanov


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