Numerical solution of direct and inverse problems for fluid filtration toward a horizontal well


  • P.E. Morozov
  • M.Kh. Khairullin
  • M.N. Shamsiev


горизонтальная скважина
фильтрационные параметры
обратная задача
метод конечных элементов
методы подпространств Крылова


An approach to the interpretation of results obtained in the course of hydrodynamic studies of horizontal wells (HW) is proposed on the basis of numerical modeling of 3D fluid flow toward a HW and with the use of regularizing iterative algorithms. The problem of transient flow toward a HW is solved by the finite element method. Finite-difference grids are constructed using the Delaunay triangulation. The Krylov subspace methods are used to solve systems of linear algebraic equations.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

P.E. Morozov

M.Kh. Khairullin

M.N. Shamsiev


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