A method of automatic constructing a model of a parallel program in terms of Petri nets


  • E.A. Golenkov
  • A.S. Sokolov


параллельное программирование
сети Петри
построение модели


In this paper we consider a method of automatic constructing a model for parallel programs running in a massage passing environment. This method allows one to construct models of parallel programs whose thread of execution is represented in terms of Petri nets, whereas the data description and their modifications remain to be expressed in terms of the original program language. The method was developed in the framework of a project devoted to the creation of an experimental environment for constructing parallel programs on the basis of Petri nets. The method was implemented as one of the subsystems of this environment.





Section 2. Programming

Author Biographies

E.A. Golenkov

A.S. Sokolov


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