Application of a control-volume method for solving the problems of two-phase filtration in «speed-saturation» variables


  • G.A. Nikiforov


пористая среда
двухфазная жидкость
контрольный объем
пористые среды
численные методы
математическое моделирование


An approach to solving the problems of motion of a two-phase liquid in porous media is considered in the framework of a control-volume method. A mathematical formulation of such a problem and an algorithm of its numerical implementation in "speed-saturation" variables are discussed. The feasibility of this approach is illustrated by some model examples describing the replacement of oil by water from uniform and non-uniform reservoirs.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biography

G.A. Nikiforov

Kazan Federal University,
Chebotarev Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics


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