Numerical simulation for the problem of dynamics of oxide film growth in semiconductor substrates on the basis of geometrical approach and the Deal-Grove method


  • A.L. Alexandrov
  • G.A. Tarnavsky
  • S.I. Shpak
  • A.I. Gulidov
  • M.S. Obrecht


численные методы
краевые задачи
сегрегационные эффекты
процессы окисления
математическое моделирование
параллельные вычисления


An approximate simulation for the dynamics of oxide film growth in semiconductor substrates is developed. A generalization of the 1D Deal-Grove method to 2D problems is proposed on the basis of geometrical approach. Some numerical results are given for the following cases: 1) the growth of a subregion for SiO2 under oxidation in various mediums (O2 or H2O) and 2) the dynamics of oxide/material and oxide/oxidant boundaries in a wide range of constitutive parameters and nitride masks covering a part of the silicon surface.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

A.L. Alexandrov

G.A. Tarnavsky

S.I. Shpak

A.I. Gulidov

M.S. Obrecht


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