The mapping of integer sets and Euclidean approximations
приближение к евклидовой метрике
простые ребра
метрическая окрестность
решеточный веер
веерная триангуляция
эквидистантный граф
топологический процессор
The development of discrete models for representations of nonconvex parts of $R^3$ space and the solution of routing problems with a metric that approximates the Euclidean metric on these models continue to remain fundamental in the fields of robotics, geoinformatics, computer vision, and designing of VLSI. The paper deals with a lattice-cellular model. The main attention is paid to the mapping of the integer sets $Z^2$, $Z^3$, $Z^4$ onto itself, the construction of a lattice fan under a given accuracy of metric approximation, the decomposition of equidistant graphs, and the combined application of lattice and polyhedral models for a software system of metric-topological constructions.
Section 1. Numerical methods and applications
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