Numerical study of combined convection from horizontal cylinder interacting with a slot impinging jet of viscous incompressible fluid


  • A.V. Afanasyeva
  • V.V. Afanasyeva
  • A.V. Khromenko


изотермический круговой цилиндр
плоская струя
ламинарное обтекание
начальный участок струи
уравнения Навье-Стокса
уравнение энергии


On the basis of numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations and the equation of energy with graphical visualization of numerical results, we study the interaction of an isothermal horizontal cylinder with a slot impinging jet of viscous incompressible thermal-conducting fluid. A formulation of the problem and a numerical method of its solution are considered. It is shown that the numerical results and experimental data are in good agreement. Some dependencies of flow structures and heat-exchange intensities on constitutive parameters are discussed.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

A.V. Afanasyeva

V.V. Afanasyeva

A.V. Khromenko


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