Parallelization of computing the separated flows on the basis of 3D unsteady formulations
M.Yu. Kokurin
E.M. Smirnov
E.M. Smirnov
M.Yu. Kokurin
E.M. Smirnov
параллельные вычисления
турбулентные потоки
численное моделирование
трехмерные нестационарные задачи
отрывные течения
Some features of efficient use of MPI technology for cluster computations of resource demanding problems in hydrodynamics and heat transfer are considered. A short description is given for the SINF package (a parallel 3D Navier-Stokes solver applicable to complex geometry domains with moving boundaries). Using this package, some flows typical for turbomachinery applications are computed (compressor stage, film cooling, vortex-induced vibrations). This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project № 06-08-01334) and by the Program «Leading Scientific Schools» (project № SH-376.2006.8). The paper was prepared on the basis of the author’s report at the International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies (PaVT-2007;
Section 1. Numerical methods and applications
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