Uniqueness theorems and properties of adjoint problems for a class of parabolic equations with the Cauchy data



параболические уравнения, задача Коши, сопряженные задачи, условия единственности, пространства Гельдера


The uniqueness problem in Hölder spaces is studied for the uncharacteristic Cauchy problems arising when determining the unknown right-hand sides of parabolic equations. A relation between this problem and the density properties of the solutions to the corresponding adjoint problems is found.

Author Biography

N.L. Gol’dman


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How to Cite

Гольдман Н. Uniqueness Theorems and Properties of Adjoint Problems for a Class of Parabolic Equations With the Cauchy Data // Numerical Methods and Programming (Vychislitel’nye Metody i Programmirovanie). 2007. 8. 183-194



Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

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