Visualization of diffraction effects in the design of computer-generated holograms
G.M. Agayan
S.Yu. Serezhnikov
численные методы
волновая теория
математическое моделирование
дифракционные решетки
We consider a method for visualization of diffraction patterns arising in the cases when compound computer-generated holograms with diffraction gratings of various parameters are illuminated by white light. The method allows us to obtain real-time colored pictures of holograms when the light source and an observer move relative to each other. The scalar wave theory is used. An application program package was developed on the basis of this method. The method is widely used to design computer-generated holograms at the Scientific and Technical Center «Atlas« of the Federal Agency of Government Communication and Information and at the Research Computing Center of Moscow State University.
Section 1. Numerical methods and applications
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