A method for solving the problem of nonlinear optical self-focusing in an infinite half-space


  • A.N. Demidova
  • Ya.M. Zhileikin


нелинейные колебания
оптическая самофокусировка
световые пучки
трехфотонное поглощение
керровская нелинейность


A numerical method for solving the problem of nonlinear optical self-focusing in an infinite half-space is proposed. Some numerical results obtained for the propagation of light beams in a linear medium and in a medium with the Kerr-type nonlinearity and with the three-photon absorption are discussed. These numerical results are compared with the results obtained by a previously proposed method for a domain bounded along the transverse coordinate. The work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project № 08-01-00285).





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

A.N. Demidova

Ya.M. Zhileikin


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