Parallel algorithms for solving the inverse gravity problem and the distant communication between the MVS-1000 and the user


  • E.N. Akimova
  • D.V. Gemaidinov


обратная задача гравиметрии
прямые и итерационные методы
параллельные алгоритмы
многопроцессорные вычислительные системы
эффективность и ускорение


A special Web-server for starting the programs that realize the parallel algorithms for solving the inverse gravity problem (i.e., the problem of allocating the anomalies of a gravitational field in a horizontal or curvilinear layer and the problem of finding the variable density in a layer) is developed for the massively parallel computing system MVS-1000/32 through the Web-interface. A number of parallel direct and iterative methods are located on this Web-server. The parallel algorithms are tested for a model problem in the case of a synthetic gravitational field. The preliminary gravity data processing problem and the problem of finding the variable density in a layer are solved. An analysis of the speed up and efficiency of the parallel algorithms is performed depending on the number of processors. The work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project N-06-01-00116). The paper was prepared on the basis of the authors’ report at the International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies (PaVT-2008;





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

E.N. Akimova

D.V. Gemaidinov


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