Spatial approximation by the subgrid method in the filtration problem for a viscous compressible fluid in a porous medium


  • N.S. Melnichenko
  • N.S. Melnichenko


linear systems
subgrid method
fluid filtration
control-volume method
parallel computing


The filtration problem for a viscous compressible multiphase fluid mixture in an anisotropic porous medium is considered. For this problem, the spatial approximation is discussed in the case of nonorthogonal unstructured grids. A new method of multipoint approximation is proposed. This method is free from the following defects of other similar methods: the orientation effect and the appearance of nonphysical fluxes. Some numerical results obtained on the basis of realistic problems are given. Keywords: linear systems, subgrid method, fluid filtration, control-volume method, parallel computing





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

N.S. Melnichenko

N.S. Melnichenko


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 How to cite   
Kochikov I.V., Kovtun D.M. and Tarasov Yu.I. A new software for processing the radial symmetric diffractograms // Numerical Methods and Programming. 2008. 9, No 1. 12–18.


Kochikov I. , Kovtun D. and Tarasov Y. , (2008) “A new software for processing the radial symmetric diffractograms,” Numerical Methods and Programming, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 12–18.


I. Kochikov, D. Kovtun and Y. Tarasov, “A new software for processing the radial symmetric diffractograms,” Numerical Methods and Programming 9, no. 1 (2008): 12–18


Kochikov I. , Kovtun D. and Tarasov Y. A new software for processing the radial symmetric diffractograms. Numerical Methods and Programming. 2008;9(1):12–18..


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