Spatial approximation by the subgrid method in the filtration problem for a viscous compressible fluid in a porous medium


  • N.S. Melnichenko
  • N.S. Melnichenko


linear systems
subgrid method
fluid filtration
control-volume method
parallel computing


The filtration problem for a viscous compressible multiphase fluid mixture in an anisotropic porous medium is considered. For this problem, the spatial approximation is discussed in the case of nonorthogonal unstructured grids. A new method of multipoint approximation is proposed. This method is free from the following defects of other similar methods: the orientation effect and the appearance of nonphysical fluxes. Some numerical results obtained on the basis of realistic problems are given. Keywords: linear systems, subgrid method, fluid filtration, control-volume method, parallel computing





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

N.S. Melnichenko

N.S. Melnichenko


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