Supercomputer simulation of nonstationary three-dimensional turbulent flows of viscous incompressible fluid in rectangular channels on the basis of the Navier-Stokes model


  • S.B. Berezin
  • E.S. Komarova
  • V.M. Paskonov


nonstationary turbulent flow
Navier-Stokes classical model
equation of motion
equation of energy
equation of continuity
method of coordinate-by-coordinate splitting
supercomputer simulation
energy of turbulent structures


Numerical results for nonstationary three-dimensional turbulent air flows in square and rectangular channels are discussed in the framework of the classical Navier-Stokes model on the basis of a system of equations that preserve the direct and inverse coupling of dynamic equations, the equation of energy, and the equation of state. A new difference method oriented to the use of supercomputers with common access to the memory for performing computations on multimillion grids is developed to solve this system of equations. A dynamic system for the computer analysis of numerical results is created. Computations in square and rectangular channels with the Reynolds number Re=500 are carried out. The development of the turbulent structures along the channels depending on the channel sizes is shown. The influence of the energy caused by the wall friction and the energy of turbulent structures is analyzed. Key words: nonstationary turbulent flow, Navier-Stokes classical model, equation of motion, equation of energy, equation of continuity, method of coordinate-by-coordinate splitting, supercomputer simulation, energy of turbulent structures





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

S.B. Berezin

E.S. Komarova

V.M. Paskonov


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