A boundary element method of higher precision in the problems of hydrodynamics of ideal incompressible fluid


  • A.N. Khomyakov


mathematical modeling
synthesis of nano-optical elements
microrelief formation


The subject of the research is to study one of the ways of raising the precision of the boundary element method (BEM) and to develop its higher precision version (BEMHP). The efficiency and accuracy of solving the problems by the BEMHP method are discussed. A comparative analysis of numerical results obtained by the BEM and BEMHP methods when solving the problem of flow about a sphere and the problem of supercavitation flow about a disk is given. It is shown that the BEMHP method allows one to compute the sought-for solution sufficiently close to the exact one. Key words: numerical methods, boundary elements, hydrodynamics, ideal incompressible fluid, flow about bodies





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biography

A.N. Khomyakov


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