The MC# 2.0 system for concurrent and distributed programming
A.V. Petrov
Yu.P. Serdyuk
параллельное распределенное программирование
параллельное программирование
распределенный рендеринг изображений
языки программирования
The MC# language is a general-purpose high-level language designed to create codes for all types of parallel architectures: multicore processors, clusters, and Grid-systems. The basic ideas and some specific features of MC# are considered. The key distinctions of the MC# 2.0 programming system from its previous version and the multithreaded programming in the framework of this system are discussed. A survey of the MC# Grid System as a tool to support the MC#-program execution in Grid-networks is given. An experience of using Povray-based distributed rendering applications under the MC# Grid System is described. Several directions for future work are formulated and a brief description of educational uses of MC# is presented. A preliminary version of this paper was published in the Proceedings of the Conference on Scientific Service in the Internet ( ).
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