A parallel algorithm of the finite-volume method for solving 3D Maxwell equations in nanocomposite media


  • L.Yu. Prokopeva
  • M.P. Fedoruk
  • A.S. Lebedev


Maxwell equations
mathematical modeling
finite-volume method
parallel algorithms


An efficient parallel algorithm of the finite-volume method is proposed for the three-dimensional modeling of electromagnetic phenomena in metamaterials (artificial nanostructured media). The algorithm is parallelized for a high-performance computing environment using the domain decomposition approach and is modified for an accurate modeling of complex nanocomposite media, such as most of metamaterials are. These techniques are illustrated by numerical modeling of a hyperlens (a strongly anisotropic metamaterial device that allows one to overcome the diffraction limit of conventional optical imaging).





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

L.Yu. Prokopeva

M.P. Fedoruk

A.S. Lebedev


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