Symmetries, gauge invariance and quantization in discrete models


  • V.V. Kornyak


symmetries of discrete systems
gauge principle


Different aspects of discrete symmetry analysis in application to deterministic and non-deterministic lattice models are considered. One of the main tools for our study are programs written in C. In the case of {deterministic dynamical systems}, such as cellular automata, the non-trivial connections between the lattice symmetries and dynamics are discussed. In particular, we show that the formation of moving soliton-like structures mdash; analogs of "spaceshipdf" in cellular automata or "generalized coherent states" in quantum physics mdash; results from the existence of a non-trivial symmetry group. In the case of {mesoscopic lattice models}, we apply some algorithms exploiting the symmetries of the models to compute microcanonical partition functions and to search phase transitions. We also consider the {gauge invariance} in discrete dynamical systems and its connection with {quantization}. We propose a {constructive} approach to introduce {quantum structures in discrete systems} based on finite gauge groupdf. In this approach, quantization can be interpreted as the introduction of a gauge connection of a special kind. We illustrate our approach to quantization by a simple model and propose its generalization.






Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biography

V.V. Kornyak

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
• Leading Researcher


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 How to cite   
Vishnevsky D.M., Lisitsa V.N. and Reshetova G.V. Numerical simulation of seismic wave propagation in media with viscoelastic intrusions // Numerical Methods and Programming. 2013. 14, No 1. 155–165.


Vishnevsky D. , Lisitsa V. and Reshetova G. , (2013) “Numerical simulation of seismic wave propagation in media with viscoelastic intrusions,” Numerical Methods and Programming, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 155–165.


D. Vishnevsky, V. Lisitsa and G. Reshetova, “Numerical simulation of seismic wave propagation in media with viscoelastic intrusions,” Numerical Methods and Programming 14, no. 1 (2013): 155–165


Vishnevsky D. , Lisitsa V. and Reshetova G. Numerical simulation of seismic wave propagation in media with viscoelastic intrusions. Numerical Methods and Programming. 2013;14(1):155–165.(In Russ.).