Modeling of separated flows near a suction slot
I.N. Logachev
K.I. Logachev
O.A. Averkova
ideal incompressible fluid flow theory
Zhukovskii method
local drag coefficient
In the framework of the ideal fluid flow theory, the screen effect on the aerodynamic drag of the suction flow is studied. The screen is situated in parallel to the plane of a suction slot built into a plane infinite wall. The work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project 08-08-13687-ofi_c) and by the Council under the President of the Russian Federation (project MK-2729.2010.8).
Section 1. Numerical methods and applications
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How to cite
Marchevsky I.K. and Scheglov G.A. Application of parallel algorithms for solving hydrodynamic problems by the vortex element method // Numerical Methods and Programming. 2010. 11 , No 1. 105–110.
Marchevsky I. and Scheglov G. , (2010) “Application of parallel algorithms for solving hydrodynamic problems by the vortex element method,” Numerical Methods and Programming , vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 105–110.
I. Marchevsky and G. Scheglov, “Application of parallel algorithms for solving hydrodynamic problems by the vortex element method,” Numerical Methods and Programming 11, no. 1 (2010): 105–110
Marchevsky I. and Scheglov G. Application of parallel algorithms for solving hydrodynamic problems by the vortex element method. Numerical Methods and Programming. 2010;11(1):105–110.(In Russ.).
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