Parallel implementation of 2D IIR-filters using image processing distributed systems


  • A.V. Nikonorov
  • M.G. Milyutkin
  • V.A. Fursov


digital image processing
IIR-filter (infinite impulse response filter)
distributed computing


This paper deals with the technology of generation and identification of 2D IIR-filter characteristics. For the characteristic identification, small test fragments of an image are used; these fragments are formed from a distorted image using the prior information on the geometric form of objects. 2D IIR-filter is generated as parallel casual filters with a mask in the form of a quadrant. A distributed system architecture is proposed with consideration of data parallelism for high-resolution images and the parallel message passing with regard to the IIR-filter structure. The paper was prepared on the basis of the authors’ report at the International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies (PaVT-2010;





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

A.V. Nikonorov

Samara University
• Associate Professor

M.G. Milyutkin

Samara University
• Engineer

V.A. Fursov

Samara University
• Professor


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 How to cite   
Marchevsky I.K. and Scheglov G.A. Application of parallel algorithms for solving hydrodynamic problems by the vortex element method // Numerical Methods and Programming. 2010. 11, No 1. 105–110.


Marchevsky I. and Scheglov G. , (2010) “Application of parallel algorithms for solving hydrodynamic problems by the vortex element method,” Numerical Methods and Programming, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 105–110.


I. Marchevsky and G. Scheglov, “Application of parallel algorithms for solving hydrodynamic problems by the vortex element method,” Numerical Methods and Programming 11, no. 1 (2010): 105–110


Marchevsky I. and Scheglov G. Application of parallel algorithms for solving hydrodynamic problems by the vortex element method. Numerical Methods and Programming. 2010;11(1):105–110.(In Russ.).


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