Parallel implementation of 2D IIR-filters using image processing distributed systems
A.V. Nikonorov
M.G. Milyutkin
V.A. Fursov
digital image processing
IIR-filter (infinite impulse response filter)
distributed computing
This paper deals with the technology of generation and identification of 2D IIR-filter characteristics. For the characteristic identification, small test fragments of an image are used; these fragments are formed from a distorted image using the prior information on the geometric form of objects. 2D IIR-filter is generated as parallel casual filters with a mask in the form of a quadrant. A distributed system architecture is proposed with consideration of data parallelism for high-resolution images and the parallel message passing with regard to the IIR-filter structure. The paper was prepared on the basis of the authors’ report at the International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies (PaVT-2010;
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