Application of parallel algorithms for solving hydrodynamic problems by the vortex element method


  • I.K. Marchevsky
  • G.A. Scheglov


parallel algorithm
vortex element method
computational complexity


A parallel algorithm for the simulation of incompressible 3D flow around bluff bodies using the vortex element method is considered. Traditionally, the parallel algorithms based on this method are applied only to one step of the computation procedure consisting in the vortex influence computation, similar to the N-body problem. In this paper, the computational complexity of all steps of the algorithm is analyzed. It is shown that the parallel algorithms allow one to accelerate computations significantly. The efficiency of the parallel algorithms is studied for different types of computing systems. Some numerical results are discussed. The paper was prepared on the basis of the authors’ report at the International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies (PaVT-2010;





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

I.K. Marchevsky

G.A. Scheglov


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