Modeling of impact processes in a textile armor and in a human body on a computational cluster SKIF Ural


  • N.Yu. Dolganina
  • S.B. Sapozhnikov
  • A.A. Maricheva


textile armor
FEA model
human chest
supercomputer simulation


A numerical modeling of impact processes in a textile armor and in a human body is considered. A human chest model is proposed using the SolidWorks software package. Numerical experiments were conducted to study the scalability of problems devoted to the dynamic interaction of an indenter with fabric barriers of different size and different number of layers as well as to the dynamic interaction of the indenter with a human chest by the finite element analysis in the framework of the LS-DYNA software package. The paper was prepared on the basis of the authors’ report at the International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies (PaVT-2010;





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

N.Yu. Dolganina

S.B. Sapozhnikov

A.A. Maricheva


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