Simulation of in-situ combustion front dynamics


  • N.E. Grachev
  • D.S. Senin
  • A.V. Dmitriev
  • V.T. Volkov
  • N.N. Nefedov


reaction-diffusion-advection equation
asymptotic methods
in-situ combustion front


The dynamics of sharp transition layers in the reaction-diffusion-advection model is numerically studied. The mathematical model qualitatively describes the motion of an oxidizer for the thermogas method of enhanced oil recovery. The influence of permeability heterogeneity on the front shape is considered. The simulation results are compared with the numerical data obtained with the use of the CMG STARS thermohydrodynamic simulator.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

N.E. Grachev

• Senior Researcher

D.S. Senin

• Engineer

A.V. Dmitriev

V.T. Volkov

N.N. Nefedov


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