On the metric-topological computing in the constructive world of cubic structures


  • G.G. Ryabov
  • V.A. Serov


cubants and cross-cubants
Hausdorff-Hamming metric
concurrent digitwise operations


A constructive approach to the algebraic (monoidal) representation of cubic structures is developed. An expansion of a cubant set by the introduction of cross-cubants is proposed. The cubant metric (Hausdorff-Hamming metric) and topological properties are studied. Some peculiarities of the implementation of concurrent computer operations on monoids are considered as a tool of supercomputing. This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project N 09-07-12135).





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

G.G. Ryabov

V.A. Serov


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