Application of HPC-technologies to solving spatial multiphysics problems


  • V.A. Vasiljev
  • A.Yu. Nitzkiy
  • M.V. Kraposhin
  • A.V. Yuskin


computational fluid dynamics
parallel computing
coupled problems
turbulent flows
hydro- and aeroelasticity
power units


The MCF software package devoted to solving coupled problems of hydroelasticity is described. Various ways of solving the problems with strong and weak coupling are considered. Iterative methods are chosen due to their simplicity in implementation and scaling. The coupling of the OpenFOAM software package (turbulent motion of incompressible, weakly compressible, and compressible fluids) with the two models of structural dynamics based on the finite-volume method (OpenFOAM) and on the modal approach (UZOR) is discussed. The performance analysis of the developed software using the clusters of the Taganrog Institute of Technology and the State University of Chelyabinsk is given.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

V.A. Vasiljev

A.Yu. Nitzkiy

Chelyabinsk State University
• Technical Director

M.V. Kraposhin

A.V. Yuskin


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