Application of high performance computing to the solution of interior ballistics problems


  • I.V. Semenov
  • P.S. Utkin
  • I.F. Akhmedyanov
  • I.S. Menshov


interior ballistics
numerical modeling
high performance computing


A mathematical model, a numerical algorithm, and an approach to its parallelization for the simulation of interior ballistics problems in the quasi-one-dimensional approximation using high performance computing are considered. The developed software is compared with a number of known application program packages for solving similar problems by the example of the AGARD test problem. The developed software can be used to solve a wide range of practically important problems in civil applications (such as the operation of gas generators, solid-propellant rocket engines or propellant charges for fire-fighting operations) and in special applications for the predictive modeling of interior ballistic processes in barrel systems.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

I.V. Semenov

P.S. Utkin

I.F. Akhmedyanov

I.S. Menshov


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