On stability of a lattice Boltzmann kinetic scheme for simulating plane flows


  • G.V. Krivovichev


кинетические схемы
решеточный метод Больцмана
устойчивость по начальным данным
метод Неймана
область устойчивости


The stability problem is considered for a lattice Boltzmann kinetic scheme for simulating the plane flows of a viscous fluid. Stability is studied for two steady modes of flow in an unbounded domain. The stability analysis is performed with respect to initial data using the Neumann method in a linear approximation. A number of stability domains are constructed and studied in the input parameter space. It is shown that the scheme under consideration is conditionally stable.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biography

G.V. Krivovichev

St Petersburg University,
Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes
Universitetskii prospekt 35, Petergof, Saint Petersburg, 198504, Russia
• Senior Lecturer


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