Simulation of gas dynamics with the lattice Boltzmann method


  • N.E. Grachev
  • A.V. Dmitriev
  • D.S. Senin


gas dynamics
computer simulation
lattice Boltzmann method


A computer implementation of a method to simulate the motion of a single-phase one-component viscous gas in three dimensions is considered. The method is based on the application of the lattice Boltzmann equations. The method has a number of advantages compared with the approach of describing the gas dynamics on the basis of the Navier-Stokes equations. A verification of this computer implementation is performed. The numerical results are compared with the corresponding analytical dependencies.





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

N.E. Grachev

Introvision, LLC

A.V. Dmitriev

Introvision, LLC
• Lead Developer

D.S. Senin

Introvision, LLC
• Lead Developer


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 How to cite   
Berendeev E.A., Snytnikov A.V., Berendeev E.A. and Lazareva G.G. Supercomputer simulation of plasma electron dynamics in a magnetic trap with inverse magnetic mirrors and multipole magnetic walls // Numerical Methods and Programming. 2013. 14, No 1. 149–154.


Berendeev E. , Snytnikov A. , Berendeev E. et al., (2013) “Supercomputer simulation of plasma electron dynamics in a magnetic trap with inverse magnetic mirrors and multipole magnetic walls,” Numerical Methods and Programming, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 149–154.


E. Berendeev, A. Snytnikov, E. Berendeev et al., “Supercomputer simulation of plasma electron dynamics in a magnetic trap with inverse magnetic mirrors and multipole magnetic walls,” Numerical Methods and Programming 14, no. 1 (2013): 149–154


Berendeev E. , Snytnikov A. , Berendeev E. et al. Supercomputer simulation of plasma electron dynamics in a magnetic trap with inverse magnetic mirrors and multipole magnetic walls. Numerical Methods and Programming. 2013;14(1):149–154.(In Russ.).


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