Application of the Quickhull algorithm’s principles to the double description method


  • S.I. Bastrakov
  • N.Yu. Zolotykh


system of linear inequalities
convex hull
polyhedral cone
double description method
Motzkin-Burger algorithm


The double description method known also as the Motzkin-Burger algorithm is a method for computing the general solution of a system of linear inequalities. Its new modification applying the ideas of the Quickhull algorithm is proposed. The numerical results demonstrate a number of advantages of the proposed modification over the original double description method and (in many cases) over the Quickhull algorithm. The work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project 09-01-00545-a).





Section 1. Numerical methods and applications

Author Biographies

S.I. Bastrakov

N.Yu. Zolotykh


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